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KKIVF Centre - Treatments and Services

What Is In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)?

IVF is a process by which eggs are fertilised by sperm outside of the womb (in-vitro). The eggs and sperm are placed in a laboratory dish for fertilisation to occur naturally. The embryo (fertilised egg) is then transferred into the womb to achieve pregnancy.

Who Is Suitable For IVF?

IVF is indicated for the following conditions:

  1. Female/Male subfertility
  2. Blocked fallopian tubes
  3. Male factor subfertility, such as low sperm count
  4. Endometriosis (presence of the inner lining of the womb in places outside the womb for example in the ovaries or pelvis)
  5. Ovulation disorders (release of the egg from the ovary) e.g. in polycystic ovarian syndrome, low ovarian reserves, premature ovarian insufficiency
  6. Advanced maternal age
  7. You wish to conceive using donor sperm/donor eggs/donor embryos
  8. Other indications deemed medically suitable by your doctor

What Is Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)?

ICSI is an in vitro fertilisation procedure in which a single sperm is injected into the cytoplasm (centre) of the egg using a very fine glass needle. This bypasses the natural selection process and the sperm is selected by the embryologist. ICSI helps to improve fertilisation rates.

Fig 1. Injecting single sperm into an egg

Who Is Suitable For ICSI?

ICSI is recommended if your husband has poor quality sperm or if you have had difficulties with fertilisation in the past.

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