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KKIVF Centre - Treatments and Services

What Is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is a type of fertility treatment that uses a catheter to place highly concentrated amount of active motile sperm directly into the womb. The goal of IUI is to deliver sperm to reach the fallopian tubes around the time of ovulation to increase the chance of fertilisation.

IUI can be done as part of your natural menstrual cycle or through the use of fertility medication to improve your egg production. Natural cycle IUI is an IUI cycle using your own ovulation without any medication. The use of fertility medication (either oral or injections) as part of your IUI cycle is known as Superovulation IUI (SO-IUI)/ Parenteral Induction of Ovulation (PIO). Your doctor will decide which treatment regime will be best suited for you.

Who Is Suitable For IUI?

Any couple who has unexplained subfertility, mild male factor subfertility, cervical factor subfertility and mild endometriosis can undergo this procedure. The patient must have normal fallopian tubes and her husband should have sufficient good quality sperm.

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