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Medical Genetics


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Medical Genetic


The programme aims to provide an environment for subspecialty training which fulfils the following criteria:

  1. To ensure that the paediatric geneticists:
    • Develops clinical skills in diagnosis and management of congenital malformation and genetics diseases
      Has a basic knowledge of cytogenetics, molecular and biochemical genetics and the use and interpretation of the various laboratory tests for diagnosis and management of genetic diseases
    • Acquire skills in genetic counselling
  2. To attain a foundation in planning and maintaining a strong research base in current concepts in clinical and laboratory genetics

Content Contents

  1. Clinics:
    The genetics fellow will be assigned to observe and/or run the genetics clinics, under the supervision of the consultants. They are expected to prepare for clinics by reading up about the patients and discuss their diagnostic or management approach with the consultants. In the clinics, they will gain experience in taking an appropriate history and examining for dysmorphic features. They will gain practical experience in providing relevant and empathic genetic counselling.
  2. Inpatient consults:
    The genetics fellow will take referrals from the various wards and departments. They will see the referred patients first, then discuss and review the patients with the consultant on call. They will liaise with other departments, if necessary, to organise relevant testing or treatment.
  3. Inservice meetings and teaching:
    • Weekly genetics intake meeting on Mondays: to discuss upcoming new clinic cases
    • Monthly genetics DNA laboratory meeting: working meeting for DNA laboratory
    • Monthly journal club: the genetics fellow will review and present journal papers
    • Research meetings (ad hoc): the genetics fellow will review and present relevant topics
    • Clinical cytogenetics (three-monthly): the genetics fellow will be in charge of the presentation of the cases
  4. Laboratory attachments:
    The genetics fellow will be scheduled for attachments to the Cytogenetics, DNA, Biochemical Genetics and Tandem Mass Spectrometry laboratories. They will observe the various techniques used in analysis and learn about interpretation and reporting of results.
  5. Write a research paper for presentation and publication:
    The genetics fellow will be given a topic or subject to research, present and write up. They are encouraged to present research papers locally or overseas. 


Hands on clinical fellowship attachment

For Whom

Paediatricians, obstetricians


Candidates must be medical graduates from recognized medical schools as determined by the Singapore Medical Council or a degree that can be registered by the Singapore Medical Council.

Success of the fellowship application is also contingent on approval by the Singapore Medical Council for a temporary medical practicing license.


Two-year posting

First Year

  • Emphasis on clinical training in genetic disease at inpatient and outpatient level
  • Familiarity with cytogenetics laboratory and prenatal diagnosis tests
  • Involvement in genetic counseling
  • Active participation with the Birth Defects Group comprising maternal fetal obstetricians, neonatologists, perinatal pathologists, paediatric surgeons and geneticists.

Second Year

  • Attachment to cytogenetics laboratory to learn the various methods of karyotyping and interpretation of karyotypes
  • Active involvement in genetic counseling
  • Involvement in diagnosis and management of genetic diseases and the use of a computerized programme in diagnosis of the dysmorphic child
  • Attachment in Molecular Genetics Laboratory and involvement in DNA diagnostics and research
  • Active involvement in biochemical genetics programme in elucidation of the incidence of inborn errors of metabolism in the local population. Participation in the Metabolic Clinic and Laboratory.

Training Dates/Period

Two years


On completion, the fellow will be competent in diagnosing, treating and counseling patients with genetic conditions.

Positions/Training Places

One to two fellowship training positions will be given for a given duration.

Course Fee

Fees will be determined upon application.


Candidates should be self-funded or have funding from external sources/institutions.

Contact of Organiser/Institution

Head of Service
Genetics Service, Department of Paediatrics
Division of Medicine
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital