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Antenatal Package and Delivery Charges

Antenatal package (for private patients)

We have specially designed an antenatal package to help you plan ahead and enjoy fuss-free visits throughout your pregnancy journey with us. Please approach our clinic staff for more information.

Package inclusions Package price (S$)
excluding GST
  • 6 x antenatal consultations with bedside ultrasound scan
  • 6 x urine dipstick tests for glucose and protein
  • 20-week detailed scan for fetal structural anomaly OR growth scan
  • Blood tests: Full Blood Count (FBC) to check for anaemia and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) for Gestational Diabetes (GDM)
From $818.00

** Terms and conditions applied **

Delivery charges

Our Delivery Suite is run by a team of healthcare professionals including resident doctors, obstetricians, anaesthetists, midwives, nurses, and neonatologists, and they will be involved in your care. 

For more information about hospitalisation charges, you can generate a cost estimation with the Estimated Delivery Bill Calculator.

Financial counselling and estimated bill information

Financial counselling should be done after 30 weeks of your pregnancy before delivery. Visit the Admissions Office located at Level 1, Women’s Tower for more information and an estimated delivery and hospitalisation bill.

Your estimated bill information is also available online via the Admissions Buddy portal to view at your convenience upon receiving your Admission Form. Log on to Admissions Buddy portal at with your SingPass.

For more information on estimated total bill size for various hospitals, please visit the Ministry of Health website.

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