Being informed about what may happen during the menopause transition is a very good starting point.
Pay attention to your health, including quitting smoking, eating well, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight and incorporating some relaxation techniques.
Self management strategies for management of hot flashes include carrying a fan, dressing in layers, and having a cool drink. Facial water sprays can also be helpful. Avoiding spicy foods, red meats, caffeine and alcohol will also reduce flushing.
Some women may find relief from menopausal symptoms with herbal or alternative remedies. However most have not been studied or shown to be of benefit scientifically and some, like black cohosh, have been occasionally linked to liver damage. It is not recommended that these treatments are taken for longer than 6 months.
Menopause hormone therapy (MHT) has been demonstrated scientifically to reduce menopausal symptoms. Experts think these hormones are effective and safe for many women in their 40s and 50s with symptoms of menopause. However, for each individual woman its benefits must be weighed against the increased risk of side effects such as thromboembolism (blood clots) and breast cancer. You should not take hormones if you have had breast cancer, a heart attack, a stroke, or a blood clot. Any woman taking MHT should be reviewed regularly by her doctor.
Doctors may prescribe other drugs to relieve symptoms. Anti-depressants can reduce hot flashes and depression. Even women who are not depressed can take them to relieve hot flashes.
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