It is a special procedure to unblock a fallopian tube by using fluid injected through the tubes or by using a fine wire inserted through a small plastic tube.
The procedure is done under real-time X-ray visualisation.
What should I expect during FTR?
If the fluid is unable to clear the blockage, then a finer tube is used to guide a very fine wire into the fallopian tube. The wire opens the fallopian tube and usually clears the blockage.
How long will the procedure last?The procedure usually takes approximately 30 minutes to one hour to complete. A longer time may be needed in some cases, depending on the degree of blockage and structure of the fallopian tubes.
How long will I be in the hospital on that day?Please be prepared to spend about four to six hours in the hospital on the day of the procedure. You will need to arrive 30 minutes before the procedure for registration and preparation. After the procedure, we will observe you for up to four hours before you are discharged.
Do I need to be hospitalised?This is an outpatient procedure. Hospitalisation is generally not required. However, as you will be sedated, please arrange for an adult to accompany you home.
If you are admitted to the hospital on the appointment day, please inform the ward staff to contact the nurse in the Angiography Suite about your procedure.
Expected outcomesThe technical success rate of clearing a blocked fallopian tube ranges between 80% and 90%. According to the published literature, 30% to 40% of these patients go on to have a successful pregnancy.
Potential complicationsThese are rare and self-resolving. Tubal perforation is reported in 2% of FTR patients. Ectopic pregnancy rate is estimated at 3%. Therefore, you are advised to see your Gynaecologist as soon as you suspect you are pregnant. An ultrasound scan may be performed to confirm that the baby is growing in the womb.
Radiation doseThe dose you will receive is very small and well within the norms for women of reproductive age. Hence, there are no expected side effects from the radiation.
Booking your FTR appointment: Please contact us earlyOn the first day of your menses, please contact the nurse in the Angiography Suite at +65 6394 8260/+65 6394 8264 or send a fax to +65 6394 8730. If the first day falls on a weekend or public holiday, please call us on the next working day.
The Angiography Suite is open from 8:00am to 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
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