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Clinical Chemistry Laboratory

The Clinical Chemistry Laboratory performs a wide range of testing including renal function tests, liver tests, cardiac risk markers, therapeutic drug monitoring, blood gas analysis, tumour markers, viral serology, faecal occult blood test and urinalysis. We provide maternal screening for Down syndrome and specialised endocrinology tests such as growth hormone and insulin growth factor (IGF). We also analyse AMH, FSH and estradiol to assess ovarian reserve for patients undergoing in-vitro fertilization.

Other services provided include the management and oversight of Point-Of-Care Testing (POCT) and out-patient phlebotomy services to obstetric and gynaecology patients at KKH Pre-Admission Service.

Click here to view all Clinical Chemistry tests.

Operating Hours

Monday to Friday

 24 hours


 24 hours

Sunday / Public holiday
​ 24 hours

Further information can be obtained from our Client Services Section at [email protected].