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Medical Social Work (MSW)

Our dedicated team of medical social workers and social work assistants are committed to providing comprehensive care for children with developmental needs and their families. 

What do we do?

We work with the medical team and collaborate with community partners to provide the following psychosocial services to our patients and their families: 

  • Counselling 

We provide counselling and support to our caregivers and families facing challenges related to their emotional, psychological, social and care issues.

  • Financial Assistance  

We carry out financial assessments for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who have difficulty with their medical expenses and link them up with the appropriate resources based on the needs. For more details on the documents needed, please refer to FA-appt-with-DCD-MSW.pdf (

  • Risk Assessment & Crisis Intervention 

We provide support to patients and families during challenging situations, such as medical emergencies, care concerns, sudden losses, etc. We also carry out risk assessments to ensure the safety of children and provide guidance on proactive measures for the well-being our patients and families.

  • Information & Referral 

We conduct personalised assessments to identify needs, and provide support with information and referral to hospital and community-based services to better support you. Additionally, we offer guidance to navigate the social service landscape and assist with referrals to appropriate agencies, including Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children (EIPIC), Special Education (SPED) Schools, Family Service Centre (FSC), and support groups. 

How to obtain a referral to DCD-MSW?  

If your child is seeing a doctor at Department of Child Development (DCD):

  • You may approach your DCD doctor for a referral to see our Medical Social Worker (MSW) for assistance.
  • Alternatively, you can contact us directly at 6394 3060 or via email at [email protected].

For patients not known to DCD, please click on to this link Medical Social Work ( for more information
