My affiliation with the O&G dates back to 1972 after I graduated from the University of Singapore Faculty of Medicine and started my housemanship in KK Women's and Children's Hospital. In 1998, I became an Obstetrician & Gynaecologist after I obtained my postgraduate degrees, MMed (O&G) and MRCOG (UK). In 1982, as a Senior Registrar, I was awarded a HMDP Fellowship to Japan to undergo training in Gynae Cancer Surgery. On my return, I continued to perform complex gynae and gynaeoncological surgery and in 2006, I was appointed Head and Consultant in the Department of Gynaecological Oncology. Up to the time when I became a Senior Consultant 25 years ago and thereafter, I have been mentor and teacher to many generations of O&G trainees, specialists and Fellows from overseas.
My commitment in teaching and undergraduates started in 1987 and since then, I have been teaching and examining medical students from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and later on to 2 other medical schools, Duke-NUS Medical School and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. Since 2011, I have been a Clinical Core Faculty, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SingHealth Residency Programme, Examiner in the Joint MMed (O&G) MRCOG Part II Oral Assessment Examinations and Examiner for Exit Exam in O&G, by Academy of Medicine, Joint Committee in Specialist training. I participated in the Department’s research projects and clinical trials and sat in various hospital’s and MOH committees. I attended conferences both local and overseas to keep myself updated of the latest advances in my speciality.
I like to work in an institutional environment where there is team work, multidisciplinary collaboration and where there are ample opportunities to keep abreast of the latest state of art so that we can deliver the safest and optimum care to our patients.
- MBBS (Spore) (National University of Singapore) 1972
- MMed (Spore) (National University of Singapore) 1978
- MRCOG (London) (Royal College of O&G UK) 1979
- FAMS (Spore) (Academy of Medicine, Singapore) 1982
- FRCOG (London) (Royal College of O&G UK) 1992
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Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships
- Emeritus Consultant, Department of Gynaecological Oncology (since 2019)
- Member, Standard Setting Committee for Obstetrics & Gynaecology Postgraduate medical Examination, MOH (July 2019, July 2018)
- Member, Standard Setting Committee for Obstetrics & Gynaecology Postgraduate medical Examination, MOH (August 2017)
- Committee Member, Royal College of Obstetrician & Gynaecologists (RCOG) Reference Committee (August 2016 - April 2019)
- Senior Mentor, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (since April 2014)
- Head & Senior Consultant, Department of Gynaecological Oncology (April 2006 – March 2014)
- Member, Operating Theatre Management Committee (OTMC), KKH (January 2014 – December 2015)
- Member, European Society of GynaeOncology, (2014)
- Member, Credentials/Accreditation Committee, KKH (January 2013 – December 2014)
- Member, Serious Reportable Events (SRE) Quality Assurance Committee, KKH (April 2011 – December 2012)
- Doctor Member, Singapore Medical Council’s Complaint Panel (December 2012 – November 2014)
- Workgroup Member for Gynaecological Cancer Subgroup of MOH Clinical Practice Guidelines in Cancer Screening (2009)
- Committee Member (Auditor), Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology of Singapore (2008)
- Council Member, College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Academy Medicine of Singapore (2008 – 2016)
- ParkwayHealth Panel of Independent Specialists (December 2008 – December 2011)
- Chairman, Laser Surgery Accreditation Subcommittee, KKH (since 2007)
- Member, Section of Gynaecological Oncology, College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Academy Medical of Singapore, (since May 2007)
- Chairman, Colposcopy Accreditation Subcommittee, KKH (2006)
- Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (June 1992)
- Member, Singapore Nursing Board Education & Examination Subcommittee (Post basic Midwifery course) (1987 – to date)
- Member, MOH Speak Mandarin Committee (986)
- Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Singapore (since May 1982)
- Life Member, Singapore Medical Association (1982)
- Council Member, The Society for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology of Singapore (1980)
- Member, International Society of Gynaecological Oncology (1980)
- Member, Medical Defence Union/Medical Protection Society (1979)
- Member, O&G Society of Singapore (1979)
- Member, Singapore Gynaecological Oncology Society (1979)
- Fellow, International College of Surgeons (1979)
- Member, Singapore Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (1972)
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, NTU
- Clinical Physician Core Faculty Member, SingHeatlh Residency Program
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- Residency in SingHealth Excels (RiSE) Award for Outstanding Faculty (August 2018)
- Residency in SingHealth Excels (RiSE) Award for Outstanding Faculty (August 2017)
- Singapore Health Service Quality Award (Star), 2017
- Residency in SingHealth Excels (RiSE) Award for Outstanding Faculty (August 2016)
- Singapore Health Service Quality Award (Gold), 2015
- Service from the Heart Award (July – December 2013), (May 2014)
- Residency in SingHealth Excels (RiSE) Award (August 2014)
- Residency in SingHealth Excels (RiSE) Award (August 2013)
- Service from the Heart Award (January – June 2012), December 2012
- Singapore Health Service Quality Award 2012 (Star), 2012
- Service from the Heart Award (3rd Quarter 2009), (February 2010)
- Service from the Heart Award (3rd Quarter 2009), (February 2010)
- Service from the Heart Award (3rd Quarter 2009), (February 2010)
- Service from the Heart Award (3rd Quarter 2009), (February 2010)
- Service from the Heart Award, (September 2007)
- The STAR Customer Champion (EXSA Start Award), Service Quality Centre, (September 2006)
- EXSA Award, (January 2006)
- 2004 Long Service Award for 30 years of valuable service rendered to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, (February 2005)
- Service from the Heart Award – 3 Star Awards, (November 2003)
- Service from the Heart Award – 3 Star Awards, (2002)
- HMDP Fellowship for Cancer Surgery (Female Genital Cancer) in Japan, (March – August 1982)
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Research Interests
- Early detection of Gynaecological Cancers
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- Is Tumor Size a Predictor of Survival in Stage IIA Cervical Cancer ? A Comparison Between the Old and the New FIGO Staging Criteria.. Chin Hui Xian, Lin Xiao Hui, Yam Kwai Lam, Chin Yin Nin, Khoo Tan Hoon Seng, Yeo Ming Chert Richard, Yap Swee Peng, Soh Lay Tin, Chua Eu Jin. International Journal Gynaecological Clinical Practice 2017, 4:128 (An Open Access Journal).
- Evaluation of a Preoperative Clinic for Women with Gynecologic Cancer. Chia Yen Y, Eng Chui L, Lim Yong K, Yam Kwai L, Tan Soh C, Hockenberry Marilyn. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 2015; 1996;769-772
- Survival Impact of Secondary Cytoreductive Surgery for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer in an Asian Population. Chia YN, Lim YK, Yam KL, Lim Cindy, Teo Melissa. Oman Medical Journal 2015; 30(5):344-352
- Case Report of Granular Cell Tumour of the Vulva and Review of Current Literature. SC Hong, YK Lim, SH Chew, YN Chia, KL Yam. Gynecologic Oncology Case Reports (2013), pp. 20-22.
- Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN): Our Experience on Diagnosis and Treatment. WW Wee, PS Chin, YN Chia, KL Yam. Singapore Journal of O&G (SJOG) 2013; Vol 44
- Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor of the Ovary : Analysis of a Single Institution Database. Bhat RA, Lim YK, Chia YN, Yam KL. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2012 June 2013
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VaIN). WW Wee, YN Chia, KL Yam. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (IJGO) 2012; 117: 15-17
- Tailoring Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Stage IB-IIA Node Negative Cervical Carcinoma after Radical Hysterectomy and Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection using GOG score. R Yeo, YN Chia, Rama, SP Yap, YL Soong, KL Yam, TYK Lim, Khoo-Tan. Gynecologic Oncology 2011;123:25-229.
- Survival Outcome of Women with Synchronous Cancers of Endometrium and Ovary : A 10 Year Retrospective Cohort Study. YK Lim, Rama Padmavathi, Lilian Foo, YN Chia, KL Yam, J Chia, HS Khoo-Tan, SP Yap, R Yeo. Journal of Gynecologic Oncology(JGO-11-0044), 2011, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2011-12-30.
- A Comparative Study of Cervical Cytology, Colposcopy and PCR for HPV in Female Sex Worker in Singapore. Chan R, Khoo L, Ho TH, Koh CF, Lee IW, Yam KL. International Journal of STD & AIDS March 2012(3); 12:159–163.
- Stage 1C Grade 3 Endometrial Cancer: The KK Hospital Gynaecological Oncology Group Experience. Siow TR, Yeo MC, Khoo-Tan HS, Yap SP, Soong YL, Chua EJ, Soh LT, Lim YK, Chia YN, Yam KL. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2010 December; 20(9):1557-6.
- Survival and Disease Relapse in Surgical Stage 1 Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma of Uterus after Adjuvant Vaginal Vault Brachytherapy (VVBT). Vinita Jaggi Kumar, YN Chia, YK Lim, KL Yam Philip, HS Khoo-Tan, R Yeo. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, March 2010.
- Leiomyomatosis Peritonealis Disseminata and Subcutaneous Myoma—A Rare Complication of Laparoscopic Myomectomy. Thian YL, Tan KH, Kwek JW, Wang J, Chern B, Yam KL. Journal: Abdominal Imaging (Online) 1 March 2008; DOI 10.1007/s00261-008-9379-5
- Bowel Surgery for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer – An Early Case Series. YN Chia, KW Eu, KL Yam. Ann Academy of Medicine 2003; 32-661-4
- Endometrial Adenocarcinoma of the Uterus – Surgico-Pathological Correlations and Role of Pelvic Lymphadenectomy. Chee JJ, Ho TH, Tay EH, Low JJ, Yam KL. Annals of Academy of Medicine, September 2003. 32(5) : 670 – 5.
- Occult Foetal Maternal Haemorrhage, the Silent Cause of Perinatal Morbidity & Mortality. ST Beh, JCS Tee, KL Yam, VS Rajadurai. Med. J Malaysia 1998, 53:186–188
- Kiellands forceps delivery : A Dying Art. KH Tan, R Sim, KL Yam. SMJ, Vol 33. 1992 33(4) : 380 – 382
- Primary Malignant Lymphoma of the Cervix Uteri. Khong CC, Yam KL, Ong BH. SMJ – A Case Report, 1989 April 30(2) : 217 – 20
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Research Trials
- The VIP Project - Phase II study of Vinorelbine, for treatment of peritoneum, fallopian tube and ovarian cancer, 2019.
- Zeria Z100 Immunotherapy Study – Stage 3B Cancer of Cervix (A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trail of Z-100 plus Radiation Therapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer – A Phase III Trial), 2018.
- Collaboration (with AStar & SGH) on tumor tissue and blood samples from ovarian cancer patients and available clinical characteristics of the patients. 2013.
- A Randomized Phase II/III trial of Intravenous (IV) paclitaxel weekly plus IV carboplatin once every 3 weeks versus IV paclitaxel weekly plus Intraperitoneal (IP) carboplatin once every 3 weeks in women with epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary., 2012.
- Study of Viral and Cellular Gene Expression and of the Immune Microenvironment to Understand Progression of HPV Associated Disease (in collaboration with IBM-AStar.2012.
- A Pilot Study on the Knowledge and Psychological Outlook of Women referred to the Colposcopy Clinic for an Abnormal Pap Smear. 2012.
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