Specialty/Department: Diagnostic Radiology
Dr Tan Kim Ping is an Emeritus Consultant with the Department of Diagnostic Radiology at the Singapore General Hospital.
Dr Tan Kim Ping became Head, Department of Diagnostic… View More +
Dr Tan Kim Ping became Head, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) in 1991. It was with some personal reluctance then that Dr Tan uprooted himself from a very well established and comfortable practice at Tan Tock Seng Hospital to heed the call of higher duty in SGH. Dr Tan was instrumental in restructuring the department and changing the practice of radiology to meet the challenges that he saw were coming, i.e. that imaging would emerge to become a critical component in the timely diagnosis and management of diseases. Under his tenure, the department witnessed unprecedented growth, providing a comprehensive subspecialty service 24 hours, seven days a week. He also served in various capacities at SGH, including as a member of the Medical Board. Professionally, Dr Tan served on numerous committees and held various offices, notably as President, Singapore Radiological Society; Chairman, Chapter of Radiologists, Academy of Medicine Singapore; Honorary Secretary and then President, Singapore Government Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Officers Association.
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