Cataract, glaucoma and high astigmatism have caused 72 year old artist to undergo 4 eye surgeries in the span of 5 years. He is now wearing 2 forms of eyewear and is still painting. Harry Chin Chun Wah started painting at the age of 20 but stopped after 10 years to become an architect, putting behind his love of painting. Even though he was a great architect and interior designer, his career did not bring him the same joy that painting did. With age came several arising eye problems for Harry. He suffered obstacle after obstacle of eye issues and decided to approach Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) five years ago for a check up. With the help of SNEC, Harry underwent four eye surgeries which cost him $70,000. After regaining his full vision, Harry picked up painting again two years ago which led him to hold his own exhibition.
Harry Chin gave up painting at 30 years old to pursue a career and earn a stable income. Fast forward 40 years when Harry saw his old friends holding their own art exhibitions, which ignited his interest in painting all over again. Harry said, "I hope to leave a memory of myself through my paintings. Painting is my second life and I will continue painting until the day that I am unable to pick up a pen." Harry's favourite painting of his is a painting of the old Singapore River. He feels that this painting shows the true old Singapore, where labourers work by the river. The painting evokes the culture of then-Singapore.
Cataract in the right eye, glaucoma in the left eye, Harry wears two forms of eyewear now. SNEC gave Harry a custom contact lens two years ago, which he wears in his right eye. However, Harry also wears spectacles for the sake of the glaucoma in his left eye. Both the contact lens and spectacles work together to provide Harry with his full vision. Dr Lim Li said that as an artist, Mr Chin needs good vision in order to paint his artworks in fine details. She said, "I'm very satisfied with the success of Mr Chin's eye surgeries, and had hoped that he would regain his full vision."
[{"FileName":"Lianhe Wanbao - Elderly painter continues to pursue art even after 4 eye surgeries in 5 years.pdf","AttachmentUrl":"/sites/shcommonassets/Documents/News/elderly-painter-continues-to-pursue-art-even-after-4-eye-surgeries-in-5-years-/Lianhe Wanbao - Elderly painter continues to pursue art even after 4 eye surgeries in 5 years.pdf"}]|||
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Singapore National Eye Centre;
Lianhe Wanbao;
Singapore National Eye Centre;Cataract & Comprehensive Ophthalmology Department;Glaucoma Department;
Ophthalmology;Cataract & Comprehensive Ophthalmology;Glaucoma;
Patient Care