St. Jude-VIVA Paediatric Neurosurgical Oncology Symposium

Fri, 28 February 2025 | (In-person) Join us at the first-ever St. Jude-VIVA Paediatric Neurosurgical Oncology Symposium. Don't miss this rare opporunity to connect, share insights amd collaborate to improve outcomes for children with brain tumours.

MCHRI Presents Asia Pacific Maternal and Child Health Conference & Integrated Platform for Research in Advancing Maternal and Child Health Outcomes (IPRAMHO) International Meeting 2025

Fri and Sat, 28 and 29 March 2025 | (Hybrid) Get insights from global healthcare professionals about sexual health and its management, and participate in workshops and education sessions on sexual health concerns at the two-day conference. The Singapore Guidelines on Sexual Health for Women of Reproductive Age will also be launched at the event. CME and SNB-CPE points will be awarded.

Certificate in Paediatric Neurorehabilitation

June 2025 | (Hybrid) Designed for professionals in occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy, this programme equips participants with skills to provide seamless neuro-rehabilitation services for children with neuro-disabilities. AHPC-CPE points will be awarded.


Hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, brain fog: It's menopause - but what type of doctor should you see?

Mon, 27 January 2025 | Places such as the KK Menopause Centre offer a comprehensive approach to menopause care, with specialists in gynaecology, family medicine, dermatology and mental health working together to provide thorough evaluations and appropriate treatments.

The agony of piles during pregnancy: 'How much longer could I endure the pain?'

Mon, 20 January 2025 | International studies show that up to 35 per cent of pregnant women could be affected by piles or haemorrhoids, and it can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. Learn about how these conditions can be managed.

Guidelines for caregiving practices are for child protection professionals: MSF

Thurs, 26 December 2024 | The guidelines are intended for social service practitioners, providing recommendations in areas such as expressing affection and privacy.


Critical to perform first aid immediately after sustaining a burn

As many as half of the children presenting to KKH did not receive burns first aid immediately. Get tips on how to provide first aid and prevent burns in the home.


Supporting women through trauma and loss

KKH Psychosocial and Trauma Support Service shares five steps to sensitively care for someone who has experienced a traumatic event.


How parents can help children overcome fussy eating

Learn about common causes, how parents can cultivate healthy eating habits and signs that warrant medical attention.


How much caffeine is safe for students?

Caffeine can affect a child's growth potential and immune function, and is not recommended for those under 12. Find out safe ways to improve a child's concentration and performance.


Singapore's first set of clinical guidelines for Down Syndrome care

Get advice on best practices in addressing the health and care needs of children and adults with Down Syndrome.

Featured Articles

Featured Visual Stories

KKH Children's Emergency - Leading in paediatric emergency care since 1997


Watch how the KKH CE team continues to lead and transform paediatric emergency medicine to help every child fulfill their fullest potential.

21 June 2022

KKH Children's Emergency - Chat with our patient's mommy


Wan En, mother of four-year-old Alexa, recounts their visit to KKH Children's Emergency in April 2022, which left a deep impression on them.

21 June 2022

KKH Children's Emergency - Chat with our nurse


Nurse Clinician Indra Devi D/O Kasinathan recounts 25 years as a paediatric nurse at KKH Children's Emergency.

21 June 2022

KKH Children's Emergency - Chat with a pioneer


Assoc Prof Ng Kee Chong, Chairman, Medical Board, KKH, recalls what it was like on the opening day of KKH Children's Emergency, and his deepest impressions as a paediatric emergency physician.

21 June 2022

KKH@Halifax - Interview with Elaine Nah


Elaine Nah, Senior Manager at KKH's Speciality and Ambulatory Services Division, shares some of the challenges the project team encountered while making KKH@Halifax - the hospital's new off-site clinic - a reality.

9 June 2022