Here are some coping techniques that may help you to manage your grief.
Differences in coping between men and women
Men and women may deal with the loss differently. Some of these differences are presented below.
She has a higher need to talk about the loss, and tends to go over the event repeatedly trying to understand ‘why’ and ‘how’.
He feels uncomfortable having to talk about it frequently on an emotional level and prefers to avoid the topic.
She tends to withdraw, prefers to read up on grief and may choose to write as means of expressing her loss.
He immerses himself in work, hobbies or other activities to avoid the pain.
She expects him to grieve in a manner and pattern similar to herself and feels that he does not care when his grieving pattern is not similar to hers.
He needs personal space to grieve over the loss in his own manner and hates it when she imposes her feelings on him.
She tends to feel more sorrow.
He feels more anger, fear and loss of control.
She seeks to talk to others about the loss to gain support.
He prefers to avoid public sharing for fear of showing his pain to others.
She has a decreased pleasure for sexual intimacy and finds it unappealing to think about sex at this time.
He wants to have sexual intimacy to feel assured and comforted in this time of loss.
She may need 9 to 24 months to get recover from the loss.
He may need 3 to 6 months (or less) to recover from the grief.
Helpful suggestions for the couple
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