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Emotional Wellness During and After Pregnancy

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There are few experiences in life that are as significant as that of being a mother. Having a baby can be an exhilarating and sometimes unpredictable time. Along with the physical changes of childbearing and giving birth, a woman may also go through emotional changes as she prepares for motherhood. Sometimes, instead of being excited, joyful and in the pink of health, she can find herself struggling to cope with the pregnancy, or with caring and adapting to a newborn in her life.

A woman's emotional well-being during this period of time is just as important as her physical health. During pregnancy, a woman under tremendous stress may go into early labour. After delivery, a mother who experiences symptoms of depression may have difficulty bonding with the child.

Studies have shown that up to one in 10 women would experience depression during pregnancy or after birth. If you are having the symptoms of depression or anxiety for most days up to two weeks, or you have difficulties functioning in your daily life, you are entitled to be cared for, so that you can go on to care for your loved ones.

Symptoms of depression include:

  • Low mood
  • Irritability

    Our Care Team

    Head & Senior Consultant
    Vicknesan Marimuttu Clin Asst Prof

    Clin Asst Prof Vicknesan Marimuttu

    ​MB BCH BAO (Belfast, UK), MRC Psych (UK)

    Clinical Interests: Child & Adolescent Mental Wellness

    Senior Consultant
    Helen Chen Yu Clin Assoc Prof

    Clin Assoc Prof Helen Chen Yu

    MBBS, MMed (Psychiatry), Grad Dip Psychotherapy

    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness, Perinatal Psychiatry

    Chua Tze-Ern Adj Asst Prof

    Adj Asst Prof Chua Tze-Ern

    MBBS, MMed (Psychiatry)

    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness

    Roselyne Shirley Pat Fong Dr

    Dr Roselyne Shirley Pat Fong

    MB BCh BAO, MRC Psych (UK)

    Clinical Interests: Child & Adolescent Mental Wellness

    Poon Ngar Yee Adj Asst Prof

    Adj Asst Prof Poon Ngar Yee

    MBBS (UK), MMed (Psychiatry), MRCPsych (UK)

    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness, Child & Adolescent Mental Wellness

    Hong Lin Feng Dr

    Dr Hong Lin Feng

    MBBS (Australia), MRC Psych (RCPsych, UK)

    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness, Child & Adolescent Mental Wellness

    Sandy Julianty Umboh Dr

    Dr Sandy Julianty Umboh

    ​MBBS, MMed (Psychiatry)

    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness

    Elizabeth Siak Junpei Dr

    Dr Elizabeth Siak Junpei

    MBBS, MRCPsych (UK)

    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness, Perinatal Psychiatry, Adolescent Psychiatry

    Tan Chunzhen Dr

    Dr Tan Chunzhen


    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness, Child & Adolescent Mental Wellness

    Associate Consultant
    Leonora Chiam Dr

    Dr Leonora Chiam


    Clinical Interests: Women's Mental Wellness, Child & Adolescent Mental Wellness

    Abigail Loh Dr

    Dr Abigail Loh

    MBBS, MRCPsych

    Last updated on 28 Mar 2023