The Relational-Invitational Approach (RIA) is a practice framework that has been developed by Mr Warren Cann, CEO of the Parenting Research Centre (Victoria, Australia). The framework incorporates both the science and art of engaging adults for positive behaviour change, which are crucial for optimal child outcomes. It draws on theories and principles of family-centeredness, adult capacity building, a strengths-based approach, and the role of the practitioner as a coach. At its foundation is a relationship between the practitioner and caregiver that is collaborative and egalitarian, based on trust and respect.
In RIA, the practitioner needs to:
- Intentionally and deliberately invite caregivers to collaborate in the intervention process
- Take responsibility for monitoring and nurturing the health of the relationship
- Cultivate the motivation for change
With the aim of localising this framework in Singapore’s context, the RIA team from the Department of Child Development (DCD) conducts training workshops and practice groups for allied health professionals, early childhood and early intervention professionals who work closely with children and their families. The workshops is designed to help practitioners enhance their skills in engaging families/educators, and to offer a common language in collaborating with caregivers to achieve the goals set for their children, beginning with their areas of concern.