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Psychology Service


Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology placement (for postgraduates)
Student Observation Programme (for final year undergraduates)

Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology placement


To provide an opportunity for post-graduate psychology students to gain valuable hands-on experience in a tertiary children’s hospital via direct client therapeutic interventions and assessments.

Course Contents

*will vary depending on needs of student and availability of supervisors

  1. Paediatric psychological assessments for children with a wide range of disorders. E.g. Genetic disorders, Neurological conditions, Cancer, Developmental disorders, Birth complications
  2. Paediatric Neuropsychological Assessments (e.g. children with Epilepsy, Brain tumors, Stroke/Head injury
  3. Psycho education for parents, teachers and children
  4. Psychological interventions for children and adolescents with psychological concerns and comorbid medical conditions (e.g. Diabetes, Asthma, Epilepsy, Psychometric conditions, Pain)
  5. Participation in departmental journal clubs and group supervision as appropriate. Supervision requirements will be discussed with university placement coordinator


Observations, case discussions and project work

For Whom

*Postgraduate students from universities that have a valid Clinical Placement Agreement with KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

The placement is part of their universities’ requirement for graduation and the placement request is supported by their universities.


Post-graduate students currently enrolled in a Clinical Psychology or Neuropsychology programme and at an appropriate level of training to benefit from a specialist external placement.

*Selection of candidates will be based on an interview
*Selected candidates must adhere to the psychology code of ethics


As per agreed in contract between KKH and the University

Training Dates/Period

Please write in for Psychologists’ availability

Positions/Training Places

Please write in for Psychologists’ availability

Course Fee

As per agreed in contract between KKH and the University

Supporting Document(s)

As per agreed in contract between KKH and the University

To Apply

Interested Universities may write in to:

Ms Zainab Bte Mohamed Ali
Email: [email protected]

KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Psychology Service
100 Bukit Timah Road
Children’s Tower, Level 3
Singapore 229899

Student Observation Programme


To provide an opportunity for undergraduate students majoring in Psychology who are in their final (i.e. Honours, 4th) year, and who are working towards becoming a psychologist, to observe psychologists at work within a hospital setting.

Course Contents

Successful applicants will have the opportunity to:

  1. *Observe clinical sessions
  2. To reflect and discuss clinical issues with the psychologist
  3. Participate and contribute theoretical knowledge to clinical case discussions
  4. Assist and/or contribute to departmental projects


Active observation.

For Whom

  1. **Undergraduate Psychology students (Honours) in 4th (i.e. Honours) year. We regret that only students who have already started in their final, Honours year at the point of application would be considered.
  2. Singaporean, Permanent Residents and ***Non-residents holding Student’s Pass.


5 days

Training Dates/Period

Please write in for Psychologists’ availability

Course Fee

$300 before prevailing GST

Supporting Document(s)

  1. Curriculum Vitae (with photograph)
  2. Cover letter detailing the following:
    a. Tell us about yourself (e.g. hobbies, interests, goals, etc).
    b. Why you want to be an intern in Psychology Service, KKH.
    c. What do you hope to achieve from this experience.
  3. At least two signed written character reference letters on official company/organization letterhead (the letter should include the referee’s name, organization, phone and email contacts, and the capacity in which he/she knows you).

Interested applicants may write in to:

Ms Zainab Bte Mohamed Ali
Email: [email protected]

KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Psychology Service
100 Bukit Timah Road
Children’s Tower, Level 3
Singapore 229899

* Actual type and number of sessions observed will depend on the consent from patients/their Next-of Kin,
assessment by Psychologist in charge and availability of cases during the programme.

 ** Applicants are subjected to review by the department. The department reserved the rights to verify applicant’s qualification with issuing institutions and make character reference check with referees provided. Interview may be conducted. Selected applicants must adhere to the psychology code of ethics and to show an initiative to learn.

 *** Non-residents have to clear formalities with relevant ministries and agencies at own expenses and to hold valid VISAs and/or passes for the programme.