8. Sterile Body Fluids (Other than CSF and Blood)
12. For Fungal Culture
Number and timing of collection
The following factors directly influence blood culture results:
1) The volume of blood collected
2) Method of skin disinfection
Please cushion the blood culture bottles adequately when sending them to the laboratory via the pneumatic tubes.
Take 2 sets of blood cultures from different sites for acute sepsis. For endocarditis, take 3 sets. Each set comprise one aerobic and one anaerobic bottle which is optional.
Volume of blood
Adults : 5-10 ml
Culture medium
Adults: Bactec Aerobic Plus/F
Bactec Anaerobic Plus/F Optional)
Paeds: Bactec Paeds Plus
Bactec Anaerobic Plus/F (optional)
Bactec Aerobic Plus/F and Bactec Paeds Plus are suitable for candida. Use fungal culture media only for fungi other than candida.
Blood collection method
By puncture of peripheral veins or arteries.
1. Disinfect the culture bottles
2. Disinfect venepuncture site
Note: Gowns and sterile drapes are not necessary. Care in procedure is more important.
- Wash and dry hands.
- Palpate for a vein to locate the site for venepuncture.
- Wear sterile gloves. Use chlorhexidine 0.5% with 70% alcohol and swab concentrically, starting from the centre. Allow 1 min for dying.
(Do not palpate the vein again.)
3. Blood Collection
- If available, use a butterfly needle with tubing connected to a luer adapter and tube holder.
- The vacuum in the vial will usually exceed 5 ml so the user should monitor the flow by observing the 5 ml mark on the Bactec bottle.
- When the desired volume has been drawn, crimping the tubing should stop flow.
The number of temporally spaced cultures and timing of collection may not be as critical as once thought.
Blood for culture should not be drawn from an indwelling intravascular catheter. There is a risk in contamination of the catheter.
Anaerobic blood cultures may not be necessary unless anaerobes are suspected.
Blood culture is usually not helpful for diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis
Alternatively, if using a needle and syringe, then transfer the blood into the Bactec bottle using a syringe transfer device, if available.
Never inoculate tubes for other tests before inoculating the blood culture bottles.
Cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture.
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