PaedsENGAGE is a pilot programme led by KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) and National University Hospital (NUH). PaedsENGAGE partners General Practitioners (GPs) in the private sector in providing right-siting of care for mild and moderate paediatric conditions across Singapore. This will allow our team at the Children’s Emergency to focus on patients with critical and life-threatening conditions.
GPs will undergo an educational training programme to equip them with the skills and knowledge to manage common conditions in children such as:
- Fever
- Breathlessness
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Rash
- Simple injuries
Following the completion of this training programme, they will be certified as PaedsENGAGE GP Partners.
How will this programme benefit my child?
Do bring your child to see your PaedsENGAGE GP first for non-emergency conditions to assess and manage your child’s condition. If your child’s condition is assessed to be an emergency, the PaedsENGAGE GP shall refer you to the Children’s Emergency. You will receive a $50 subsidy on the prevailing Children’s Emergency fees.
What happens if my child is referred to the Children’s Emergency?
If your PaedsENGAGE GP has referred your child to the Children’s Emergency, do ensure that you bring your child within 12 hours, along with the original hardcopy referral form.
After your child has received the appropriate treatment as required, our team will keep your PaedsENGAGE GP updated of the outcome of his/her condition. Your child will also be referred back to the same GP for continuity of care where needed.
Who are the PaedsENGAGE participating GPs/Clinics?
Participating clinics may be identified by the PaedsENGAGE decal displayed at their clinic:
For a comprehensive list of PaedsENGAGE partner clinics,
Terms and Conditions:
Referral of patients to Children’s Emergency (CE) through this partnership must be made via the original and serialised PaedsENGAGE Referral Form provided by KKH or NUH.
The original Referral Form must be duly completed with the participating clinic’s stamp, with date and time clearly indicated AND the patient must produce the completed original Referral Form at CE together with his/her Birth Certificate for verification.
The original Referral Form is valid for up to 12 hours from date/time of referral.
Patients will receive a $50 subsidy on the prevailing CE fees when referred to CE by participating PaedsENGAGE GPs
Specialised investigations and/or medications e.g. sedation required at CE will be separately charged.