Mr Mohammed Nazri Bin Abdul Ghani, Principal Pharmacist, Pharmacy Department, KKH
A challenge that our pharmacists faced in the dormitories, and one that required some ingenuity, was how to treat patients with chronic health conditions as their medications from their home countries began to run out.
Many of these medications were not found nor registered locally in Singapore. Being a pharmacist, I was able to carefully ascertain the needs of each patient, and recommend and dispense suitable alternative medication. I also made sure that each patient would have a supply of appropriate medication sufficient for their entire duration of stay in care facilities.
One day, a patient who had visited the medical post a few times for a skin condition came by and said to me, “Sir, can I give this tube of unused cream back to you?” Surprised, I asked why he wanted to return the medication. He replied, “Because the treatment works. I no longer need it. Maybe you can give this medicine to someone who may need it more than me.”
I was touched by the patient’s generosity, and humbled by his compassion for his fellow dormitory residents. As a pharmacist and healthcare professional, it truly is my privilege to be able to serve my fellow man.

Public;Patients;Community Partners;Healthcare Professionals;
Publication;News Article;
KK Women's and Children's Hospital;
KK Women's and Children's Hospital;
Special Delivery;
Pharmacy Department;
Patient Care;Diseases/Outbreaks;Covid19