Children's Intensive Care Unit (CICU) Assessment and Evaluation Guidelines
1. Aim of Assessment
Fellows are required to continually demonstrate the six competencies throughout the programme.
The other key competency areas include:
2. Assessment Approaches
Table 1: Assessment mode for one year of paediatic critical care fellowship programme
Fellows are required to attain a 70% percentage pass for this training and fellowship programme.
*Please note that details on assessment will be revealed when an applicant enrolls in this training and fellowship programme.
3. Evaluation Process
General overall grading system
The general overall grading system evaluates the fellow’s performance upon completion of the fellowship programme. All fellows will be given a general overall grading status at the end of the fellowship programme based on the grading criteria requirements incorporating the six competencies based knowledge, skills and performance that fellows must demonstrate throughout the programme.
Table 2: Critical Care training and fellowship programme, General overall grading system, KKH, Eduction Office, 2013
Options for fellows who were graded with a (USP) for unsatisfactory performance
Fellows who have attained a USP grade are given options to extend their fellowship programme. Fellows are required to attend and complete the fellowship programme (at cost) to receive a credited certificate within 6 months. This will depend on the faculty's evaluation on the fellow's clinical skills and professional attitude. The fellow has to show improvement in attendance and assessment modes to a level of a CMP grading status.
4. Approver and Authoriser of assessment
A/Prof Loh Tsee FoongHead and Senior Consultant, Children's Intensive CareQualification: MBBS, MMED (PAEDS), FAMS
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