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Department of Haemotology/Oncology

Transplant & Leukemia Survival Rates (2013 to 2022)

The Children’s Blood and Cancer Centre in KKH is one of the largest paediatric and adolescent cancer centres in South-East Asia, treating 70% of childhood cancers diagnosed in Singapore. Each year, the centre sees between 110-130 paediatric cancer cases of which 40% have leukaemia.

Childhood cancer is the second major cause of death among children in Singapore. There are between 180 and 200 newly diagnosed cases of cancer in Singapore each year. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) is the most common malignancy in children and adolescents.

Here at KKH, the survival outcomes for ALL are comparable to the best centres in the world. Current outcomes show a ten year overall survival of more than 95% for non-high risk ALL. Collaborative studies between KKH, NUH and University of Malaya are on-going to refine the protocols to decrease treatment and thereby minimize late effects of treatment in those with standard risk ALL. Those with high risk ALL have in-house treatment options that include CART therapy and state of the art allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant.

Our Children’s Blood and Cancer Centre uses allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant as a form of treatment for the following diseases:

  • Malignant blood disorders
  • Nonmalignant blood disorders including primary immunodeficiency disorders, bone marrow failure disorders, haemoglobinopathies and inborn error of metabolism.
  • Advanced stage neuroblastoma and lymphoma

Our survival rates for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant for leukemia stands at 90.3% at 1 year and 79.9% at 5 year. One year nonrelapse mortality (TRM) is 6.6% .These results are comparable to the best centers in the world.